LatinEuro online dating site, chat, online personals, singles site, interracial dating, interracial relationshionships, men seeking women, women seeking men. Meet new people, make new friends.
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Hello ladies
Do you dream of watching a sunset, cuddled in a blanket, holding the night sky in wonder!
I was with my wife for thirty years.....faithfully.....would still be with her if she had not passed away.
With her, we shared what this life has to offer our children.... We have walked in awe among the Giant Redwoods, swam with Wild Sharks and Manatees, ran with wild horses, dipped our toes in the oceans on both coasts, climb mountains to witness a sunrise or sunset, sat on the beach all night to watch a metor shower; 20 degrees it was, wrapped in a blanket, in complete child like amazement, as the night skies became ablaze in a glory of streaking streams of fire that set the heart and imagination into a headspin, that only our ancestors would understand.
Okay maybe I am a active person and still do a lot of travling.
Yet...... I am very outgoing and fun!....imagine that!
Did you know Vegas is more than casinos!!!! mountains to climb, caves to explore....jump out of a plane...old gold mines, Lake Mead, Valley Of Fire, Red Rock Canyon and on it goes!
I have four grown children...well my 18 year old daughter just finished High School but to say the least, she is a very independent young lady.
My Children are my light and helped me navigate the morass of my sorry otherwise I would have been slowly swallowed by it. So to say the least they are my anchor to this world.
and now for something completly different..........
I live on the water...because it is in my blood.....not just a metaphor.
I have a full gym in my house ( yes I own my own home, hey own a car too or two) because I want to stay in shape, not socialize.
I am not obsessive but can take my shirt off and give 25 year olds a run for their money. I have a Black Belt In Jiu Jitsu and I am ranked in several other Matial arts. This is not to impress but does show commitment! Yeah Right!.....Is that too much ego... no, no self confidence.....that's the ticket.
I travel, a lot for fun and for a TV project I am working on. I am self employed and have been my whole adult life, so my perception on life is a little skewed.....Very Skewed! I work to live, I do not live to work. I know first hand how short life is, how precious it is and how wonderful it can be.
Bought a gold mine....going to check it out soon, who knows but what an adventure!!
We are but a flame burning, so burn bright...give of all the warmth in your heart and it will come back ten fold.
Oh yeah when the energizer bunny runs low, they plug him in me for a charge.
The Greatest Happiness Of Life Is The Conviction That We Are Loved...
WITH THAT SAID.............................................
I am looking for a woman who wants an adventure, one who is willing to share in that adventure and become part of that adventure.
I mountain climb, write, swim, read, camp, hike, watch sunsets and sunrises....explore life...hoping for the great next adventure in this lifetime!!!
BTW...I have four dogs and four cats besides two ponds filled with fish, so to say you really should like animals is an understatement.
I have witnessed sunrises and sunset across this country. Seen mountain tops and rivers that take your breath away. I shared this with a women that walked the earth an angel and now is one. Now that I have been alone, I realize, I have a journey left to take...a destiny to share with someone that will take the adventure. I know love...I have shared love and I know commitment. I know how to treat a woman like she is life itself. If you have dreamed of loving someone who will return that love...then be prepared for the journey of your life.
Ladies please respond if you are active...if can hike and climb and jump out of an airplane.
...just keep up with me.
I am outgoing, compassionate, and wife use to say I made kissing an art form....
The Dad
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Live Translation time in Portuguese or Spanish with Mara, our Translator. Have Mara translate your conversation live in a 3-way call. You can add Live Translation to your Cart at Checkout. Mara is very nice. She is originally from Rio de Janeiro, and now lives in Los Angeles, California.
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No matter what their excuse is: sick Grandma, need money for cell phone, bills, Internet cafe. Your answer is NO !!!
If you want to get in touch with someone, You have to purchase their contact info.
Why? It's the man who typically makes the 1st move. Like someone? Add to Cart. View Cart. Checkout. Say Hi !
With LatinEuro, you can get a member's personal phone number and call them directly. You can hear their voice.
They can hear your voice. You have made a personal connection. It beats the pants off of emailing people.
We have been located in Miami, Florida for the past 37 years. Got a question? Call us at 1.305.858.7766.
Using your credit card on sites that are listed in other countries is not as safe as the USA.
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