LatinEuro online dating site, chat, online personals, singles site, interracial dating, interracial relationshionships, men seeking women, women seeking men. Meet new people, make new friends.
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The quickest WAY to get to know me is to actually date me upfront...otherwise u will be on a slow road.
NAME: Vic R. Sharpe .Vic is only part of my first name
BORN and RAISED in Detroit
ETHNICITY: Black, white, Cherokee, Black-Foot Jamaican and Cuban
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: Varies but on average around 140lbs
BDAY: February 5, 1984
HAIR: medium length
EDUCATION: College graduate, I have my Bachelors of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University. Currently attending Henry Ford Community College for my second degree in Nursing.
MAJOR: Public Law and Government MINOR: Human Biology
CURRENT GOAL: To become a medical lawyer BUT it is not looking too good. W****ver the case I will pursue more than one degree.
PIERCINGS: 3, one in each ear and one in tongue
TALENTS: can sing, dance, draw, write poetry, write songs, athletic,
SKILLS: Expert rifleman, shooting, computer trouble shooting, typing, web publishing
MILITARY: A veteran, was in the Army MOS: Chemical Operations Specialist
SIBLINGS: 3 sisters and 2 brothers GODSIBLINGS: 1 brother and 1 sister
FAV COLOR: Purple then blue
FAV FOOD: Pepperoni and Shrimp
PENIS SIZE: Wouldnt you like to know Im guaranteed to reach the back
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Live Translation time in Portuguese or Spanish with Mara, our Translator. Have Mara translate your conversation live in a 3-way call. You can add Live Translation to your Cart at Checkout. Mara is very nice. She is originally from Rio de Janeiro, and now lives in Los Angeles, California.
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No matter what their excuse is: sick Grandma, need money for cell phone, bills, Internet cafe. Your answer is NO !!!
If you want to get in touch with someone, You have to purchase their contact info.
Why? It's the man who typically makes the 1st move. Like someone? Add to Cart. View Cart. Checkout. Say Hi !
With LatinEuro, you can get a member's personal phone number and call them directly. You can hear their voice.
They can hear your voice. You have made a personal connection. It beats the pants off of emailing people.
We have been located in Miami, Florida for the past 37 years. Got a question? Call us at 1.305.858.7766.
Using your credit card on sites that are listed in other countries is not as safe as the USA.
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