LatinEuro online dating site, chat, online personals, singles site, interracial dating, interracial relationshionships, men seeking women, women seeking men. Meet new people, make new friends.
• Nothing will be ever be mailed to your home address. Once you start
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to you. Again, nothing will ever come to you by snail mail to your
I guess I should tell you a litte about myself? Let's see where do I begin? I pretty much grew up in Virginia. I moved to Georgia. Which is where I went to college.
In my freetime, I enjoy playing sports,attending sporting events, spending time with my family and performing community service. I love to travel! I am HUGE football fan! I enjoy a great adventure such as hiking, ****lling, and almost anything else outdoors that requires me to be active. Did I forget to mention that I am big kid at heart?
My friends describe me as the silly and energetic. In order to get along with me, you cannot be an uptight individual who takes everything seriously. You have to have a sense of humor!
To sum it up I'm a single, ambitious, purpose-driven, fun loving, drama free, laid back kind of guy enjoying the life God has given me. I'm always up for meeting new people.If you would like to know more hit me up!
" I choose not to be a common man. Me, it's my right to be uncommon if I can. I'll seek opportunity, not security. I do not wish to be kept citizen-humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk, to dream and to build, to fail and succeed. I'll refuse to live from hand to mouth. I'll prefer the challenge of life to the guranteed existence. The thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any friend. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid, to think and act for myself and face the world boldly and say, 'This i have done.' "
-Theodore Roosevelt
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You can be talking to someone in 2 minutes.
Pay with Credit/Debit Card: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover. 37 years in business, we've never had a customer account compromised.
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Pay via Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, or Discover. 100% Safe & Secure Transaction.
LatinEuro has been in business for 37 years.
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Write down the member's code numbers on a piece of paper.
Include your info and payment. Option 2: use the LatinEuro form to enter the Member's codes.
Make sure you enter your name and contact info to receive your order.
Live Translation time in Portuguese or Spanish with Mara, our Translator. Have Mara translate your conversation live in a 3-way call. You can add Live Translation to your Cart at Checkout. Mara is very nice. She is originally from Rio de Janeiro, and now lives in Los Angeles, California.
No Scammers
Do not give money to anyone, anytime, under any condition.
No matter what their excuse is: sick Grandma, need money for cell phone, bills, Internet cafe. Your answer is NO !!!
If you want to get in touch with someone, You have to purchase their contact info.
Why? It's the man who typically makes the 1st move. Like someone? Add to Cart. View Cart. Checkout. Say Hi !
With LatinEuro, you can get a member's personal phone number and call them directly. You can hear their voice.
They can hear your voice. You have made a personal connection. It beats the pants off of emailing people.
We have been located in Miami, Florida for the past 37 years. Got a question? Call us at 1.305.858.7766.
Using your credit card on sites that are listed in other countries is not as safe as the USA.
Always check to find out where the actual physical location of the company is. If they are hiding their physical location,
that means they do not want to tell you where they are located and that creates potential trust and credibility issues.
USA based companies have greater trust and responsibility.